Jonas Örtegren

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


My PhD thesis concerns polar order in liquid crystalline polymers for nonlinear optics (e.g. second harmonic generation) (The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm). As a postdoc I studied the surface-bulk diffusion of surfactants in a relatively high frequency range (as compared to previous studies; 1-100 Hz) to explain foam formation in surface viscoelastic systems (Max-Planck-Institut, Potsdam), as well as molecular structural changes in Collagen 1 as a diagnostic marker for cancer (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim). As a research fellow I worked on surface functionalization and liquid absorption for printing of ink and functional materials on porous media (paper) (Digital Printing Centre, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden).


Studies of nanomaterials, functional materials and surfaces for energy conversion (nano generators) and energy harvesting (batteries) applications.

Teaching and tutoring

Electromagnetics and waves, Thermodynamics, Quantum mechanics, Materials technology, Materials characterisation, Individual projects, Master thesis.

The page was updated 8/2/2022